When I first went to Pushmore, I can honestly say I was welcomed with open arms. The atmosphere there is like no other. I remember when JW and Soon gave me a crash course on the movements and motions and then they explained to me the elusive 'WHITEBOARD'. They explained what a WOD is, what the time means listed besides each name, the records and showed me what a muscle up is and what it takes to get into the club. Lucky for me, I can safely say I am a member of that golden club, just not a regular member (haven't been able to do a ring muscle up since, but I did my first bar muscle up 2 days ago). When I looked to the right of the whiteboard my first question was, is this the workout? I got a little snicker and then they said that's the warm up. I was like WHAT!!! hahaha.
I remember the first workouts I did in Pushmore. That's right, workoutS (emphasizing the S). THe first being the warm up, the second being 'Cindy' (Thanks King, for telling them that new comers have to complete 'Cindy'). The third being the WOD which was 5-5-5-5-5 KB Strict Presses. At that time, I hit 8 rounds for Cindy and I strict pressed 16kg per arm.
Since then I have tremendously improved and now my Cindy hits 20 rounds and I can do KB strict presses at 24kg per arm and definitely improving. In fact I can perform feats that I never thought I would have ever been able to. Things like kipping Pull up, Double Unders, Dead lifts at 145kg, and the list goes on...
Pushmore is amazing! On my first day doing my first WOD, strangers even supported and cheered me on. The trainers are knowledgeable, friendly and always helpful. The people are awesome both in and out of the gym. I now know Pushmore as my family and how can it not be fun to workout, eat and party with family?
Happy 2nd Birthday Pushmore!!!
Keep up the great work and the great WODs. May the member count rise to the thousands and each and everyone of your members be forged into an elite warrior.
"Happy 2nd Pushmore"
Workout A
In 12 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:3 Handstand Push Ups
6 Wall Balls @ 10kg/5kg
5 Burpees
Rest 6 minutes, then:-
Workout B
In 12 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:
3 Muscle Ups
6 Deadlifts @ 100kg
5 Box Jumps @ 24"
Jonson.T : A = 7R +3+6+4
B (1 MU sub with 3 pullups and 3 ring dips) = 4 R+ 6Pu + 3Dips
Definitely a tough WOD but I don't expect any less. On the 2nd round of workout A, the medicine ball bounce of the wall on its down phase and here is the result
Can you see my right side of the upper lip is swollen?
Jonson.T : A = 7R +3+6+4
B (1 MU sub with 3 pullups and 3 ring dips) = 4 R+ 6Pu + 3Dips
Definitely a tough WOD but I don't expect any less. On the 2nd round of workout A, the medicine ball bounce of the wall on its down phase and here is the result

I am lucky I didn't break any tooth or teeth but my upper lip is cut. Not too bad though just slight bleeding and swollen. No WOD is risk free. The moment you choose to do a WOD, you are definitely at risk of injury but the rewards are priceless.
Once again, Happy Birthday Pushmore!!! I will be home soon!!!
Once again, Happy Birthday Pushmore!!! I will be home soon!!!
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