Thursday, October 1, 2009

Search & Rescue

"Everyday is a new day"

That was what I told me sister last night when we were talking online. We were having a brotherly/sisterly bonding session. She was telling me about how things were not going to well in her personal life ( I won't go into detail). I was telling her how I had such a crap day yesterday.

Being in my final year in uni we have to hunt for our final year project. Basically what we do is, there is a list of projects for us to choose from. We choose that appeal to us the most and we go and see the lecturer in charge of the project. Our aim is to convince them why they should give us that project. You can only imagine how bad it must have been the pass 2 days. I had meetings after meeting with lectuerers. By 9.30pm last night I received ym final e-mail for the night telling me yet again I have been rejected for the project I was going for. The total count was 11 rejects by 9.30pm.

It was quite a blow to me and I was already broken mentally and just about ready to give up. Then as I talked to my sister my mood lightened and our DMC (deep meaningful conversation) reminded me that there will always be ups and downs in our life. The ups are always fun and easy but the downs are too heartbreaking or mentally challenging; but with perserverence we can and will get through them. Everyday is a new day. The only reason that the next day would be as bad as the day before is because you let it be.

I began the day but clearing my head and putting all the rejects behind. I told myself that these kind of things happen and that I should persist on bring new spirits with me. With that in mind, By my second meeting of the morning, the lecturer had seem interested in me undertaking his project. about 6 hours later it was confirmed that I am to be working with him for a year undertaking the project "Design and develope the Life Fitness G5 home gym".

Life Fitness G5 home gym

So I will keep you all updated on how the project goes.

Now to the most important bit. Today's WOD.

FMP-Search & Rescue

Deadlift a total of 10,000lbs
Clean a total of 7500lbs
Clean & Jerk/push press/strict press a total of 5000lbs

76 Deadlifts @ 132lbs
85 Cleans @ 88lbs
77 Clean and Jerks @ 65lbs

Total time 39 mins 53 secs

I spent the fist 8 mins and 10 seconds on deadlifts. The cleans was the most difficult as it took me about 20 mins to complete. The last 9 mins I went through the clean & jerk with a steady pace. I never new that power cleans could be so tiring.


  • sub 35 mins
  • good form for all 3 sections

I did not manage to sub 35 mins but I can boldly say that my form has improve tremendously, especially my cleans. I have to give thanks to JW for helping improve my form before I left KL. I should be having a rest day tomorrow since I have training in the evening but we will see how things goes.

~Paleo Diet (Day 1)~

Breakfast (9.30am) 3 kiwi's, 1 banana

Snack (11am) 6 almonds 4 pinches of raisins

Lunch ( 1.15pm) Bowl of Salad, half a turkey thigh

Snack (3.45pm) 1 apple

Pre-workout snack (5.15pm) 3 pinches of raisins, 1 banana

Dinner (7.30pm) quarter roasted chicken(thyme,lemon,onion), a bowl of salad

Keep it up Paleo Pals =)

1 comment:

  1. congrats on your project! i'm sure u'll nail it right on!

    congrats to your S&R! you did it and you did it under good time! way to go spartan!

    congrats again to your paleo diet! fear not the criticism and discrimination. We aint gonna give up just-like-that. Keep it up paleo pal!

    *note there are lots of congrats, which means it's good :)
